Ali, AI-Powered Virtual Assistant

Meet Ali, a Customer’s AI-powered Virtual Assistant at Altair Global

A new internship, short- or long-term assignment, permanent transfer, rotation, repatriation – whatever the relocation journey, an employee will naturally have a few questions. And they’ll want answers, fast. Enter Ali, built to support Altair’s delivery of best-in-class relocation experiences for our customers (our clients’ relocating employees).

Ali gets her name from a combination of “Altair” plus “AI,” and is pronounced like the female name Allie. She is a generative AI-powered virtual assistant available 24/7 through the STAR Customer Portal, providing around-the-clock support. Customers can chat with Ali in 95 languages to gain instant answers to basic questions about their relocation policy and benefits, such as how to book travel, housing options, and expense reimbursement processes. For their convenience, chat history is saved within the tool for easy reference.

Ali can be enabled for specific mobile populations within a client’s program at the policy level. The feature is currently available for straightforward policies with limited benefits. Contact your Altair Global representative to learn more.

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Feature Highlights

Available anytime, 24/7

Conducts conversations in 95 languages

Intuitive threads-based format

Chat history is saved for easy reference later

Consultants have visibility to chats to monitor conversations

Trained on a specific knowledge base including customer’s policy

Customizable to include client-level information

Accessible from any device – phone, tablet, laptop

AI-Driven Innovation to Support the Consultant

As an experience management (XM)-focused organization, Altair continually seeks and implements new ways to enhance the experience of our customers (CX), clients partners (CPX), supplier partners (SPX), and team members (TMX). As a CX-driven tool, Ali can field routine policy-related questions in real time, thereby allowing the customer’s dedicated Altair Consultant to focus on complex and situational inquiries to deliver a more efficient, personalized, and exceptional experience. Additionally, the Consultant has visibility to Ali’s conversations (including AI-generated chat summaries and translated responses to English if the chat was conducted in another language) to monitor and add further clarity, expert advice, or personalized support as needed.

Chad Sterling Speaker image

Chad Sterling
CEO, Altair Global

“At Altair Global, we are obsessive about customer experience, and we believe that our digital offerings can supplement the human touch needed during a life-changing event like relocation. By carefully curating artificial intelligence in a mobility context, Ali is a great option to satisfy simple customer queries, paving the way for our exceptional and empathetic Consultants to provide successful experiences. We look forward to continuing to iterate on Ali to strengthen the connections we form with customers during their mobility journey.”

Personalized Service Without Sacrificing Security

Data protection and security compliance are at the forefront of our technology suite, including the Ali tool. Customers who have Ali enabled are only able to receive answers related to their specific relocation policy with their company. Additionally, Ali’s knowledge base does not include any personally identifiable information (PII). This approach respects the customer’s privacy and aligns with global data protection regulations.

Reach out to your Altair Global representative to learn more about Ali or submit an inquiry through the Contact Us page.