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COVID-19 France Update

Following President Macron’s announcement on 28th October wherein he called for a ‘collective effort’ to battle COVID-19, France is once again in full national lockdown for a period of four weeks starting Friday, 30th October.

Lockdown Restrictions

The new lockdown will see the return of sworn declarations to leave home, but schools will remain open and universities will give courses online.

Travel to France is subject to entry restrictions. Arrivals by sea and air routes will need to complete a ‘sworn statement’ (déclaration sur l’honneur) form self-certifying the traveler is not suffering from symptoms associated with Coronavirus and have not been in contact with confirmed cases in the preceding two weeks. Although there is no restriction on travel from the UK and most European countries at this time, travel from most non-European countries is subject to entry restrictions.

Global mobility into France will be heavily impacted as this also means that real estate agencies will remain closed during this period, and people will only be able to leave their homes to buy essential goods (food), seek medical attention or to use their daily one-hour of exercise.


Altair’s team in Paris held a crisis meeting this morning to adopt business continuity measures and are able to offer advice on whether planned arrivals and departures may proceed as planned, or whether alternative measures must be implemented. Our entire team in France is available to answer questions and to solve immediate challenges. Please contact your Altair Global Client Services representative for more information. For more information on the novel coronavirus and its impact on mobility across the globe, please visit our COVID-19 Resources page.

Published On: October 29, 2020

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Following President Macron’s announcement on 28th October wherein he called for a ‘collective effort’ to battle COVID-19, France is once again in full national lockdown for a period of four weeks starting Friday, 30th October.

Lockdown Restrictions

The new lockdown will see the return of sworn declarations to leave home, but schools will remain open and universities will give courses online.

Travel to France is subject to entry restrictions. Arrivals by sea and air routes will need to complete a ‘sworn statement’ (déclaration sur l’honneur) form self-certifying the traveler is not suffering from symptoms associated with Coronavirus and have not been in contact with confirmed cases in the preceding two weeks. Although there is no restriction on travel from the UK and most European countries at this time, travel from most non-European countries is subject to entry restrictions.

Global mobility into France will be heavily impacted as this also means that real estate agencies will remain closed during this period, and people will only be able to leave their homes to buy essential goods (food), seek medical attention or to use their daily one-hour of exercise.


Altair’s team in Paris held a crisis meeting this morning to adopt business continuity measures and are able to offer advice on whether planned arrivals and departures may proceed as planned, or whether alternative measures must be implemented. Our entire team in France is available to answer questions and to solve immediate challenges. Please contact your Altair Global Client Services representative for more information. For more information on the novel coronavirus and its impact on mobility across the globe, please visit our COVID-19 Resources page.

Published On: October 29, 2020

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