Altair Insights
[January 26, 2022]
In a press conference held on Tuesday, January 25, the Government of the Netherlands ended the country’s strict lockdown and modified measures against COVID-19, effective from January 26 through March 8.
Get more info on the current conditions at the official government website below.
[Published on January 13, 2022]
European countries have had to pivot in early 2022 as the Coronavirus continues to shift and change with the addition of the Omicron variant.
From PCR test requirements in Belgium to proof of vaccine requirements for passengers in Ireland and lockdown in the Netherlands, read more about the latest EMEA COVID-19 requirements in our latest Altair Alert.
[Published December 16, 2021]
The latest variant of COVID-19, Omicron, is now circulating in up to 40 countries globally. As governments take carefully crafted measures to keep public health concerns at bay while also keeping global business concerns top of mind, many companies are back in a wait-and-see mode as we wind down 2021 and prepare for 2022.
Learn more about the current travel restrictions and vaccine requirements due to the new variant in this Altair Alert.
[Published on September 10, 2021]
As legislation continues to change regarding border access and COVID-19 causes registration delays in some locations, the information in this Altair Alert should help guide travel within several European locales.
From traveling abroad and tests for repatriation in England, Netherlands and Belgium to mask mandates and delays in local registration appointments, read more about the latest COVID-19 requirements in EMEA in our latest Altair Alert.
[Published June 15, 2021]
While summer months are always the busiest season for household good moves, this season will be significantly different due to a variety of factors stemming from the pandemic. Altair is prepared to work diligently with you to mitigate any issues and provide tips on how best to prepare.
Learn more about the complicating factors contributing to supply-chain capacity and Altair’s preparedness in this Altair Alert.
[Published on March 22, 2021] Beginning March 19, 2021, at midnight and lasting for the next four weeks, France has implemented new lockdown measures in the fight to lower COVID-19 cases across the country. This implementation of lockdown measures affects the following 16 regions, including the Paris area: Aisne, Alpes-Maritimes, Essonne, Eure, Hauts-de-Seine, Nord, Oise, Paris, Pas-de-Calais, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Seine-Maritime, Somme, Val-d-Marne, Val-d’Oise and Yvelines.
[Published February 25, 2021]
With cases falling across the globe, many governments are easing back restrictions and lockdown orders. Most are utilizing a phased approach to ensure safety for citizens while returning schools and/or businesses to a more normal operating schedule.
Learn more about the latest COVID restrictions in Ireland and the UK in this Altair Alert.
[Published January 22, 2021]
We are pleased to inform you that the National Insurance office in the UK has now reopened following its closure in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learn more about National Insurance Number updates in this Altair Alert.
[Published on November 4, 2020]
New lockdown measures apply in England for the next four weeks up to 2 December to help limit the spread of the Coronavirus. The relevant authorities will have the power to enforce the restrictions through fines and dispersing gatherings.
View this Altair Alert to learn more about the lockdown restrictions in England.
[Published October 29, 2020]
Following President Macron’s announcement on 28th October wherein he called for a ‘collective effort’ to battle COVID-19, France is once again in full national lockdown for a period of four weeks starting Friday, 30th October.
Learn more about the current restrictions in France in this Altair Alert.
[Published September 7, 2020]
As the Coronavirus continues to spread, countries are each taking different measures to try to stunt the growth of infection. With health authorities reporting France nearing an all-time high in COVID-19 infections and seeing a rise in hospitalizations, the country has enacted specific measures that affect travel and immigration from certain countries. Learn more in this Altair Alert.
[Published August 21, 2020]
On August 20, the National Security Council and the Home Office in Brussels, Belgium issued the latest COVID-19 measures. Altair Global breaks down the new rules put in place for this region, as well as how it affects those in the mobility industry.
[Published July 17, 2020]
In June 2020, Altair’s Global Consulting Services team conducted a pulse survey of Altair’s Client Services and Operations team members to gauge their clients’ reactions to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. View our findings in our benchmark.
[Published April 8, 2020]
As governments, corporations and individuals try to make sense of this new world order, information is coming at us from all sides. Whether practicing social distancing and sanitary precautions in a workplace environment, working from home or quarantined by government or by choice, everyone is feeling the wrath of COVID-19. As with any national or international crisis, there is an underlying fear and anxiety that is understandable due to the unknown aspects of our foreseeable future; however, we all know and can take solace in the fact that “this too shall pass.”
[Published February 4, 2020]
The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a health emergency of international concern for the novel coronavirus on January 30, 2020. Coronaviruses (CoV) can cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. The current outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was first reported in Wuhan, China, on December 31, 2019, and Altair Global has actively monitored the outbreak of the novel coronavirus and its impact on global mobility employees since.
As COVID-19 updates are revealed and companies work endlessly to cope with the ever-changing climate, join us on our COVID-19 related webinars as we dive into the details that matter most for mobility in this unique time.

Join Altair Global’s Kathryn Cassidy, President and COO, Jim Edwards, SVP of Global Supplier Partnerships, and Mary Beth Nitz, VP of Global Consulting Services, in this Road to Recovery webinar session as they discuss the road to recovery from the perspective of the relocation management companies, clients and third-party supplier networks, including:
- Current trends in programs and policies as well as customer sentiments that have come to light during the pandemic
- Ongoing challenges and strategies for service stability for supplier networks during the road to recovery
- Future predictions and recommendations for the new landscape of talent mobility and benefits
While no one knows exactly how long mobility will be impacted, it is certain that we will return to a brave new world of talent attraction and global mobility.
*Note: Must have a premium subscription through Worldwide ERC® to view with login required.

In this hour-long session conducted by Global Tax Network, International SOS provides an update on the current state of domestic and international travel as well as best practices to keep everyone safe throughout the COVID-19 crisis.
Additionally, Altair Global’s Brian Potts, EVP of the Americas, joins speakers from various relocation management companies to discuss the following:
- Case studies and success stories from the pandemic
- Mobility trends during COVID-19
- Each mobility company’s return to work strategies

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit worldwide, it disrupted several aspects of global mobility, with tax and finances being no exception. Join Susan Myers, Senior Vice President of Global Financial Services at Altair Global, and David Oltman, Chief Compliance Officer at Ineo LLC, as they discuss how mobility tax has been impacted as businesses start to navigate through the changing landscape and attempt to return to business as usual. Together, they cover:
- Mobility tax impacts for:
- Companies vs. Assignees
- Virtual Presence vs. Actual Presence
- Domestic Temporary Assignments (DTAs) and Extended Business Travelers (EBTs)
- Compliance issues surrounding Multi-state Temporary Assignments
- The absolute requirement of Pre-move or Pre-assignment Tax Briefings
- The future: impact of remote working post-COVID-19
Altair Global (‘Altair’) has provided the above information and additional resource links as a service and convenience for your information only. Altair Global does not guarantee, approve or endorse the information, advice, opinions or products on these third-party sites. It is not intended to replace your own legal or financial guidance and/or assistance and you are encouraged to seek the advice/counsel of your own tax and legal advisor. Further, the information contained herein is to our knowledge accurate to the extent of the data available to Altair as of the date identified. Altair does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the contents hereof and is under no obligation to update the material contained herein.