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Supplier Partner Experience (SPX) Certification Program


Altair Global launched an industry-first certification for suppliers around Experience Management (XM), with Altair’s overall dedication to being a first-rate experience organization. As an extension of Altair, our suppliers are an integral piece of our partnerships with our customers, clients, and team members.

To ensure that our partners understand and embrace our XM journey, and can fully adapt to our experience methodology, we are introducing the SPX Certification program. The program will take our suppliers through varying levels of training and development to educate our valued supplier partners on our XM transformation, processes, platform, requirements, and expectations.

Suppliers must meet, and maintain, specific requirements in order to achieve each level:

  1. Foundation Level – requires completion of an online training program and passing the assessment at the end of the training
  2. Core Level – requires completion of the Foundation Level plus attaining, and maintaining, certain quality scores
  3. Capstone Level – requires completion of both the Foundation and Core levels, plus the completion of a project designed to improve the Customer Experience for Altair customers

The experience mentality is permeating through every facet of our organization with a goal to raise the stakes throughout our entire industry. If you have questions about our Supplier Partner Experience Certification Program, please reach out to your Altair Global representative.

SPX Training Quote

To learn more about our supplier partner network and program, read more here.

Published On: March 13, 2020

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Altair Global launched an industry-first certification for suppliers around Experience Management (XM), with Altair’s overall dedication to being a first-rate experience organization. As an extension of Altair, our suppliers are an integral piece of our partnerships with our customers, clients, and team members.

To ensure that our partners understand and embrace our XM journey, and can fully adapt to our experience methodology, we are introducing the SPX Certification program. The program will take our suppliers through varying levels of training and development to educate our valued supplier partners on our XM transformation, processes, platform, requirements, and expectations.

Suppliers must meet, and maintain, specific requirements in order to achieve each level:

  1. Foundation Level – requires completion of an online training program and passing the assessment at the end of the training
  2. Core Level – requires completion of the Foundation Level plus attaining, and maintaining, certain quality scores
  3. Capstone Level – requires completion of both the Foundation and Core levels, plus the completion of a project designed to improve the Customer Experience for Altair customers

The experience mentality is permeating through every facet of our organization with a goal to raise the stakes throughout our entire industry. If you have questions about our Supplier Partner Experience Certification Program, please reach out to your Altair Global representative.

SPX Training Quote

To learn more about our supplier partner network and program, read more here.

Published On: March 13, 2020

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